I was totally ready to crack open the movie vault and pull out a gem from the past to recommend for this week's viewing pleasure when a ray of golden sunshine suddenly pierced the murky darkness cast by the otherwise horrid offerings up for grabs this week.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Movie of da week- King of Kong
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:36 PM
Labels: Movies
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Where the crap is all the music?

Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:43 PM
Labels: Music
Monday, January 28, 2008
Burnout: Paradise, exactly what it promises to be

Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
3:16 PM
Labels: Videogames
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Movie of da week- Rambo
This movie gets a "hells-freaking-yeah" from me. Scoff all you want, there's a strong possibility Rambo might turn out to be a fantastic action flick. What makes me so certain? Rocky Balboa.
I'll admit I was one of the first to fake gag the moment I heard Sly Stallone was making another Rocky movie. I saw it as a cheap attempt at cashing in on a deceased franchise and figured it would most certainly turn out just as bad as, if not worse than, Rocky V. *shudders*
Turns out I was bad wrong. Badong, you might say. Rocky Balboa was easily the best in the series since the original. There was a good script and surprisingly good acting. I was amazed at how effortlessly Rocko and Paulie returned to the silver screen as if the men behind the characters had never given up the roles.
It is for this reason I give Rambo the benefit of the doubt and name it my movie to see this week. Stallone proved me wrong once and, this time, I'm going in fully expecting a quality conclusion to a much-loved franchise. Here's hoping my newfound faith in the writer/director/actor is not misplaced. Go see Rambo.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
4:53 PM
Labels: Movies
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ledger, Arlovski and Boll
Never thought I'd write those three last names side by side. In traditional Echo fashion, I've fallen a little behind. So, here's a quick recap of a few topics I would have liked to post more on.
Why don't I just post more now, you may ask. Because I'm lazy and currently watching a UFC Fight Night, of course. You can't expect me to pay proper attention to a post and watch a guy get a boot put to his gob at the same time can you? Besides, these are topics I could rant about for hours. Consider my slimming things down a favor. And now, some tidbits for you to consume. Begin consumption now...
Heath Ledger, dead at 28- I could make you a list of the Hollywood folk I would not be surprised to see find their way into the obituaries and Heath Ledger's name would be somewhere near the very bottom. The fact that it may be drug related just tears at my brain. The guy had a seriously decent resume built at such a young age with nowhere to go but up and boom, it's looking like he may have thrown it all away with a handful of pills. Ledger's upcoming role as The Joker in The Dark Knight is one of my most anticipated of the past half-decade. As such, my greatest regret is the thought of what films the man will never get the chance to make. Such a waste.
Arlovski at UFC 82- According to a recent article in the Dayton Daily News, Andre "The Pitbull" Arlovski might not make a televised appearance at UFC 82. According to the MMA Junkie article, UFC 82 may just be too stacked to squeeze in all the big names. With the likes of Silva, Fitch, Sanchez and Koscheck filling in the gaps, at least one "big name" match is destined to find its way into under-card obscurity. With Arlovski's relationship with the UFC on the rocks and his contract running out the moment his next fight ends, it's looking pretty likely Nosvarlovski will only be witnessed draining the lifeblood of his most recent victim for those watching from the stands. Arlovski being one of my favorite fighters of all time, to say this would anger me is a gross understatement.
Boll-b-gone- I guess someone in power in Germany is an avid reader of staticEchoes.com. I call Uwe Boll out for being a horrible blemish on the face of moviedom and, just like that, I may not have to worry about some poor sap being suckered into wasting money on his schlock ever again. The dude was using a German tax loophole to fund his projects and, thanks to a change in legislation, the fund-pond has been drained dry for this wretched hack. Boll will either have to front the bill himself or try to shop his ideas around if he ever expects to waste a $17-million budget again. Sadly, given the way Hollywood is going these days, there just might be some studio exec out there stupid enough to bite. Check out joystiq for the full story.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
9:26 PM
Labels: Mixed Martial Arts, Movies
Monday, January 21, 2008
It all started with a chair- Juno review
First of all, I'd like to appologize for the abundance of reviews as of late. I've been blessed with a chance to take in quite a few movies and what have you, so why not share my opinion with the rest of the world?
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:25 PM
Labels: Movies
Friday, January 18, 2008
Fast, frantic and fun- Cloverfield review
Don't worry, this will be spoiler free.
First of all, I loves me some monster films when they're done right. Secondly, monster films are seldom done right. Thirdly, monster films are even more seldom done as "right" as Cloverfield.
I went in with a lot of concerns and questions. Will we get a clear shot of the monster? If so, will it look like freaking Godzilla. Where did the creature come from? Stuff like that. I won't answer any of these questions here because, obviously, finding out through experiencing the film is a huge part of the fun...This is really hard to write when I'm trying to tiptoe around everything.
I'll just say this- the acting is pretty dang good considering the talent pool, the hand cam usage works very well and, though it appears impromptu, I imagine it took a lot of work to get it to look that way. Much of the dialogue is sharp and the action is extremely frantic. The movie runs at only 80 minutes, but everything crammed into that time makes for a complete and enjoyable experience.
Rather than shove a bunch of messages about the dangers of nuclear weapons or what happens when we play God down our throat, Cloverfield simply drops the viewer into a seemingly ordinary setting where everything gets turned upside-down by an utterly extraordinary chain of events. You're kept just as off guard as the folks on-screen and, as it turns out, this method is more effective than any heavy-handed attempt made in the past.
To sum up, you gots to go see Cloverfield. This is one of those big movies you don't want to miss on the silver screen.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:21 PM
Labels: Movies
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pax Romana- Read it!
I haven't updated about comics yet because, since staticEchoes was formed two months ago, I haven't found much in the world of word bubbles that really warranted comment.
That's changed.
I offer up Jonathan Hickman's Pax Romana for your reading pleasure. Mid-2007 I got into Hickman's first project The Nightly News. If you dig comics, I highly recommend you give that one a read. If you don't like comics, I still think you aught to check it out. You might be surprised. Everything this guy brings to the table is top-notch and actually manages to exercise that gray matter set atop your neck.
Hickman has a very unique art style, presenting his pages and stories in a fashion reminiscent of a magazine layout. It works surprisingly well. Equally important, his stories are fantastic, well thought out and wholly believable. I can't think of many folks working today who do their own books cover to cover and manage to produce such amazing content in both art and word.
I'd like to tell you what Pax Romana is about, but the core of the story has not been revealed just yet. The premise, however, is this: At some point in the future the Vatican decides to send a military group back in time to save the Roman empire and, in the process, alter the course of human history; a history where mankind commits countless atrocities and, eventually, the Catholic religion is all but extinct. Despite that build-up, Hickman promises his book is not about religion, but rather sociology. I don't care what it's about so long as the remaining three chapters are as entertaining as the first.
Pax Romana is a meaty read with lots of art to enjoy and plenty of content to let sink in. Hickman has a brilliant head on his shoulders, so prepare to be blown away with how well thought out and structured his latest work is. This is a truly engaging read.
I know comics are gaining ground in the mainstream world these days, but I also know many still consider them kid books or something meant for basement dwellers when they're not rolling twenty-sided dice. I assure you such is not the case with this title. You like thinkin? You like readin? You like intricate artwork? I highly recommend you give Pax Romana a chance.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
6:53 PM
Labels: Comics
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Movie of da week- Cloverfield
This is the first in what will probably become an every Wednesday thing. Whether on DVD or in theaters, I plan on picking one movie per week to reccomend to the masses. On a slow or poop-movie-filled week, I'll give a little attention to something pulled from the vault instead. And yes, I keep my movies in a vault.
Check it out when it opens in theaters this Friday.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
1:33 PM
Labels: Movies
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Movies to miss in February
February is shaping up to be a real crapfest at the box office. I'm a fan of throwing tomatoes, so here's a look at a few films you should stay well away from in the coming weeks. Be sure to let me know if you make it out to any of these so I can ridicule you mercilessly.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
3:10 PM
Labels: Movies to miss
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Golden Globes- Lamefest 2008
Well, the Golden Globes came and went and nobody seems to be the wiser. Thanks to the Writers Guild strike, what used to be yet another excuse for all the glittering celebs to don borrowed Gucci was turned into a press conference of sorts complete with bad editing and utterly unnecessary frills. If you're going to half-ass it, at least half-ass it well. Gimme the list and the winner. I don't need all the extra jibba-jabba.
One thing I've noticed over the past couple years is the fact small Hollywood is shining brighter than ever. Low budget films are drawing some serious talent these days, not because it's the "in" thing, but rather it's the only place to turn for story-driven works that aren't crappy sequels or remakes.
Unfortunately, I have not seen this year's best picture winner Atonement. It's on my to-do list, just not very high up. Alls I know is, it had better be a damn fine film to best No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood at the same time. Given how much I love those two films, I have a feeling Atonement getting the Golden Globe has set my expectations of the movie far too high. It looks like a particularly good war-time romance, but nothing I haven't seen in one form or another multiple times. Obviously, I'll reserve such judgment until AFTER I actually get to see the thing.
I'm not a huge fan of the Globes, so I'll continue my shameless man-love for Daniel Day-Lewis and Javier Bardem for just a moment more and be done with it. Yes, there were tons of awards, but none were given out to anyone I care about so much as these two in 2007.
I was afraid, given Bardem's large role in No Country For Old Men as Anton, my favorite silenced-shotgun carrying psycho, he would be up against Day-Lewis' Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood for the best actor nod. Flip a freaking coin. (Get it!?) They were both unstoppable. Thankfully, however, Day-Lewis was up for best actor (win!) and Bardem took home the shiny spherical statue for supporting actor. Woot!
For the full list of results, feel free to click here and give em a gander. Otherwise, if anyone has seen Atonement, I'd love to hear your opinion. Is it really THAT good?
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:29 AM
Labels: Television
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Let the hi-def "war" end already
Now that Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema have "chosen a side," does that mean this whole high definition war-thing can finally be over? I get that competition usually helps the consumer- driving down prices and creating a desire to provide a truly superior product between competitors- but in the case of Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, the race was too close to call from the get-go.
Personally, I think Warner Bros. had the right idea. Knowing a window to make high def discs would only be so big, they realized different studios choosing sides and forcing consumers to make a bunk decision was only costing themselves and said consumers mucho bucks. It's gotten to the point where I don't care which way it goes so long as I can rest easy knowing my money isn't being wasted on a soon-to-die-off format.
Despite the fact most studios have made their decision (Blu-Ray), I'm shocked to see the continuing efforts to keep HD-DVD around, especially when the argument being made by Toshiba execs is they don't want those who purchased their products to feel like they wasted their money. The decision to milk it as long as possible is only going to force uninformed individuals to keep on spending money until they're finally left in the cold at a slightly later date. The only difference then will be, instead of buying a player and a handful of HD-DVDs for a few hundred bucks, they've now spent a grand or more. Way to save them some cash.
I say Toshiba should cut their losses, accept Blu-Ray has won this round and move on. It's less about pride at this point and more about not scamming the moms and pops who have no idea there's a "format war" going on and their money is being wasted.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:25 PM
Labels: Rants
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Poetry in motion- There Will Be Blood review
The past twelve month's worth of movies hasn't really left me feeling all that warm and fuzzy inside. In all, I'd have to say it was a pretty poor year to be a film fanatic. However, I was quite pleased with the New Year transitional one-two-punch delivered thanks to the growing visibility of smaller films. I'm talking about the phenomenal No Country For Old Men released in November and the equally mesmerizing There Will Be Blood currently playing in indy theaters all over the country.
I will make no further comparison between the two films save to say I once again found myself sitting in my theater seat contemplating what I had just witnessed for some time as the credits rolled. Walking through the parking lot, my mind lingered on the same topic. Sitting in my car several minutes before allowing myself to drive home, I was still stuck on that Texan landscape letting the dust blow past and the oil rain down. I have a feeling the images, ideas and performances of There Will Be Blood will stay with me for quite some time.
The film is slow moving, thoughtful and very atmospheric. While there are a few "splosions" put on display, There Will Be Blood is intended for those who can sit through two-and-a-half hours of character and plot development with only a few "heart-pounding" moments spread throughout. When those moments come, though, good lord are they fantastic. I found myself nearly wanting to look away with how gritty and true they felt. Despite the title, there is little in the line of "blood" to be found here. Instead, it's the ugliest reaches of human nature that provides all the shock.
While everyone on-screen does a fantastic job with their roles, two actors in particular have delivered performances that will go down in cinematic history. Paul Dano as the young preacher Eli Sunday and Daniel Day-Lewis as the frothing, terrifying Daniel Plainview light up the screen with their own versions of fire and brimstone in an epic tale of good versus evil and the constant confusion over which is which. Electrifying. Captivating. Stunning. Flawless. Whichever cliche you pick, seldom has it been so deserved as by these two artists. Day-Lewis as Plainview, for one, has and will have trouble finding many peers for the energy and love he poured into that character.
I could go on forever about how good There Will Be Blood is. The music is a bit bizarre, but also bizarrely appropriate. The cinematography and set pieces are breathtaking. The direction was superb. Other than feeling slightly too long (mainly due to pacing, not content), I find little to hold against director Paul Thomas Anderson's latest work. There Will Be Blood earns the title of masterpiece with its brute force and ability to dig deep and stay firmly planted. It requires a bit of commitment on the part of the viewer, but the payoff is abundantly worth it.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
8:30 PM
Labels: Movies
Monday, January 7, 2008
American Gladiators, hell's-freaking-yeah
I think it's safe to say one of God's greatest gifts to all mankind, if you ignore Jesus, unconditional forgiveness and all that jazz, has got to be American Gladiators. Coming in at a close second is Hulk Hogan.
This being the case, I have to ask, why aren't you watching the new American Gladiators!?
For those who didn't know, many television shows have suffered thanks to the ongoing Screenwriters Guild strike. Without writers to build these shows, many have had to resort to reruns or cutting seasons short in order to make up for the lack of new content. The U.S. being the TV-oriented culture it is, the upiddy-ups have had to come up with some creative tactics to keep couch potatoes planted firmly in their seats. One answer to the problem is reality TV and, it just so happens, American Gladiators fits the bill perfectly.
Debuting this week on NBC, this new iteration of the legendary program picks up right where the original left off some 13 years ago. Thankfully, hosts Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali keep the jibba-jabba to a minimum and let the action do most of the talking. The cheesy interviews, though appropriate for this particular show, are mercifully kept nice and short.
With a new cast of behemoth Gladiators to trounce many-a Joe and Jill Average, revamped versions of old competitions like Joust and The Eliminator, and several new and creative events thrown into the mix, the 2008 version of AG feels like a breath of fresh air blended smoothly with plenty of nostalgia.
The biggest difference I've noticed is the physical demands of the new show. Maybe I just don't recall the old days as well as I'd like to think, but if memory serves correct, these guys hit a hell of a lot harder and throw far more caution to the wind than in AG Classic. Several events now have competitors wearing little neck braces "just in case." Also, The Eliminator now lives up to its name. IF competitors cross the finish line, they usually look two steps from death's door when they do so. I'm all for this. If there's anything I hate worse than a reality television show, it's a "reality" television show that is anything but. This actually feels like a genuine competition.
The new show won't win everyone over but, for me, this is shaping up to be a lot of fun. As a bonus for those who, like me, don't like watching all that much TV, there are only eight episodes total. Not including last night's two-hour premiere and tonight's new episode, that only leaves five week's of commitment to being in front of the flickering box at 8 p.m. on Mondays. If nothing else, it's a guilty pleasure distraction that effortlessly put a smile on my face. As such, I think I'll be joining Titan, Hellga and the rest of the gang for the next month of mayhem.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
4:55 PM
Labels: Television
Saturday, January 5, 2008
staticechoes.com- We're official, folks!
It's a momentous occasion for staticEchoes. Thanks to a Christmas present from Jericka, the blog officially has its own domain name. Just check out that banner, baby! No more typing in "blogspot" for my readers. You guys are getting the first class treatment all the way. Now, you can simply type "staticechoes.com" or "www.staticechoes.com" and it will bring you right here to the site.
Of course the old address will still work, but think of the possibilities this brings. Just think! It's fantastic.
For those who have the blog favorited or simply dislike change, the old address still works just fine. This was done simply to make things easier for getting the word out about the blog and finding more readers. Speaking of which, tell all your friends about staticechoes.com and feel free to leave a comment with suggestions for what could make the blog more enjoyable for you. I aim to please, don't ya know.
Thanks and lovin's to Jericka and welcome to all to staticechoes.com.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:32 AM
Labels: Rants
Thursday, January 3, 2008
There Will Be Blood- Preview
When you throw Daniel Day-Lewis' name around, my ears perk up. When you attach it to a director like Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love), I sit up and beg.
The first time I saw the trailer for There Will Be Blood, I was floored. There was more content in those one-point-five minutes than half the schlock coming out of Hollywood these days.
In the film, Day-Lewis plays Daniel Plainview, an early oil prospector trying to make a killing in Texas. When he struts into a family oriented, religious town with his sweet-talkin-swagger, more than a few feathers get ruffled. How far will greed drive Plainview in his quest for a profit? I’m hoping the answer is “very, very.” The title isn’t “Diggin’ For Oil With Fuzzy Kittens,” so I have a feeling my wish will be granted.
When a movie grabs my attention as much as There Will Be Blood, I do my best not to do too much homework in order to better enjoy what the film has to offer; so the above synopsis is where my knowledge of the film ends.
Mark my words, though—this one is going to be fantastic. Day-Lewis is one of the best cats to ever grace the silver screen and the half-second bits of dialogue on display in the trailer are enough to convince me this will easily contend for his best performance to date.
I don’t like getting my hopes up too high, but I don’t think I can go wrong with this one. The film hit in limited release Dec. 26, so I plan to hunt this one down over the weekend.
Have any of you seen it yet? What were your thoughts?
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
1:03 PM
Labels: Movies
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I blame Chaos- UFC 79 results
Perhaps I was a bit overconfident in my beliefs that math is infallible. Given the 4.5 out of 10 correct predictions my equation was able to produce, you’d most likely guess the laws of science simply weren’t on my side.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
5:16 PM
Labels: Mixed Martial Arts