Maybe I'm late to the show and that statement has been obvious to you for a few years but, given my decent scope of the industry and nearly all-encompassing tastes, it just dawned on me how long it's been since a CD release has gotten my blood pumping.
Other than Radiohead's In Rainbows a month or so ago, the only albums I've purchased in 2008 are the remastered works of Joy Division (badical), and, um, I think that's it. The Jeff picked me up a wicked-cool copy of Tom Waits' album Frank's Wild Years for Christmas, but that bad boy dates back to the late 80s.
What baffles me most is the near complete absence of flavor of the week efforts as well. Maybe quarter one is a slow time for musicians and I've just never noticed this before, but I look forward to the first fresh sound of the New Year. After some thurough, deep research of all the web has to offer (read: a two second Googling), I see nothing over at least the next month to pique my interest.
If you have any reccomendations, I'd love to hear them because, seriously, I could use something new to listen to that includes neither the words "oh, girl," "yeeeeah," or "look at me, I'm so dark, unique and emo."
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