Now that Paradise has been unleashed on the masses, I would like to reiterate my high opinions concerning the game. Anyone with a PS-Triple or 360 with even a remote interest in arcade racers owes it to themselves to go out and get this game. Crammed with more content than you could ever hope for in a driving game, not to mention some sick graphics and a silky smooth frame rate, Paradise has a plethora of offerings for the hardcore and casual gamer alike.
Offline there are 80 cars to unlock and more than 200 events ranging five race types to take part in. Each of 60 streets also has its own set of challenges to offer competition with friends or on an international scale. Along with that, the massive world is completely open, making it possible to lose hours on end competing in a variety of events or just cruising around on the lookout for billboards to crash through, jumps to hit and stunts to land.
Honestly, that only scratches the surface of what Paradise offers the offline community. If you're tired of raging on the streets alone, however, the simple push of a button thrusts you into a seamless online experience with 350 of its own challenges, races to compete in, records to obliterate and opponents to slam into just for the hell of it. Combine the two experiences and there is literally almost too much good stuff crammed into this single game.
This is easily one of the best, most rewarding and visceral driving games I've ever sank my teeth into. I can't reccomend it enough.
For those on the lookout for a racing budy for online challenges, feel free to add my PSN, "eternalecho," and I'll be sure to see you on the vicious streets of Paradise.
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