Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Games to get in April

As should be expected to follow any flood of Biblical proportions, a videogame drought has hit this month.

Well, it's kind of a drought. There are only a few titles I'd recommend anyone pick up, but they all look to be quality. Okay, that's a bit of an understatement. At least half (two of four doesn't sound as epic) of the games recommended for April are going to be blockbuster hits.

Thankfully they come out on the same week. I was almost afraid I'd have to spend some quality one-on-one time with a title for a change.

15th- Okami (Wii)
22nd- The World Ends With You (DS)
27th- Mario Kart Wii (Wii, duh)
29th- Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3, 360)

Having completed Okami on the PS2 a year ago, I can definitely vouch for its quality. Expect 60 glorious hours of beauty, frantic action and lovable characters.

The World Ends With You is by Square Enix...Nuff said.

As for Mario Kart and GTA4, if these aren't already on your pre-order list, you should definitely add them with the quickness. MK is batting a thousand and the Wiimote controls should be a nice change of pace. As for GTA, aside from shooting cops and prostitutes (of course), I'm very, very excited for this one's story. It looks like The Godfather for the 21st century.

So, there you have it. Get ta gaming.

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