Wednesday, April 1, 2009

staticEchoes: A new era begins

This should be a happy day for many readers of

I’ve received countless e-mails asking why we have never had anything to say about the Twilight phenomenon that’s sweeping the globe.

So many, in fact, I’ve decided to shift the focus of the site quite a bit.

Introducing “Twilight Thursdays.” Beginning tomorrow, there will be a weekly update on all things Twilight.
From reviews of the fantastic books to discussions on the incredible movie series, will be your one stop destination for all things that sparkle.

Expect stories ranging from celebrity gossip about the author and film stars to in-depth looks at the real-life history of vampires and their progression from the dark and disturbing creatures of old to the hunky hearth throbs of modern tales.

I hope everyone is as excited as I am about the Twilighty possibilities. It’s taken a while to get SE on the bandwagon, but we’re coming aboard in a big way.


Unknown said...

OMFG! I luv boyz that sparkle!

peskypepper said...

I threw up in my mouth a little. Thank you for making my April Fools a little more nauseous. :P

Anonymous said...

You really are sick, aren't you?