Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Review: Due Date

I’m really scratching my head over why the critic community has such a hate-on for Todd Phillips’ Due Date, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Reallyneedstogetanewlastname, also pronounced “Galifianakis.”

Resting somewhere around a 38 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, the general consensus seems to be that the starring duo lacks chemistry and the characters are so “out there,” it’s hard to root for them.

I’m gonna go ahead and disagree. Downey plays a seriously high-strung father-to-be while G-Town is the exact opposite, a flies-by-the-seat-of-his-pants man-child with abysmal social skills.

These two end up on a cross-country trek so, yeah, the film doesn’t exactly get major points for originality. But I thought the two played very well off of each other.

There have been a couple dozen opposites attract road buddy flicks already, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy this one just because the premise is anything but new. Nothing in Hollywood is new these days, so lets just move past that for the moment and let ourselves have a good time.

Downey is as charming a ever and has a mean streak I, for one, couldn’t stop chuckling at. Galifianakis is exactly the character you would expect him to be at this point, doing a great job of being both endearing and annoying as all hell all at once.

On the road, the duo end up punching children, evading Mexican authorities, drinking dead people and all sorts of silly antics that, while expected, work out to be pretty damn funny.

Throw in the usual dose of quotable one-liners and you have a very adequate comedy I’d recommend to just about any fan of laughter.

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