Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Gaming Blend columns and lists
That translated into a couple of lists and a couple of columns throughout December, chatting about Hearthstone, the fear of becoming "too old" for gaming, as well as some favorite games of the past 12 months and a handful I'm looking forward to in 2014.
Thanks for hanging out this year and here's to another great one.
Hearthstone gives me hope for a broken mobile market
Is 2015 the year to quit gaming?
7 new game series we're most excited for in 2015
10 best games in 2014 you didn't play
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
8:14 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Review: Lara Croft and Destiny's first DLC
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris review: Cooperative delight
Destny: The Dark Below review: More of the same
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
1:27 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Reviews aplenty for Gaming Blend
I've been a bit review crazy these past couple of months. Here's five of the latest and I've still g
Zen Pinball Venom review: Upping the challenge
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd review: Pump up the volume
Rollers of the Realm review: Skill shot
Akiba's Trip PS4 review: The Electric District is still fun to visit
Syberia PS3 review: Clunky, but still quality
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
7:38 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Fantasy Life, Chariot, Senran Kagura and Digimon reviews
Okay, no more prattle. Here's a look at my most recent reviews. Dig in!
Fantasy Life Impressions: A 3DS game that's stolen my real life
Chariot Review: Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'
Senran Kagura Bon Appetit Review: Lacking taste
Digimon All-Star Rumble Review: Second String
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
9:09 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Reviews: Smash Bros., South Park pinball, Senran Kagura
Fall is a super busy time in the gaming world so, on top of my regular daily stories, I've had the opportunity to squeeze in quite a few reviews. Here's the latest back from the past month.
Super Smash Bros. 3DS review: Big fighting action crammed into a tiny package
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus review: More than meets the eye
South Park Pinball review: Zen studios flipping nails it
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:24 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Gunvolt, Kickbeat, Persona 4 Arena and Theatrhythm reviews
What made September's reviews especially nice was the fact that I actually enjoyed everything I was playing. From a classic-style 2D action platformer, to a rhythm game, to a fighting game, to a game that mixed both rhythm and fighting. Click those links if anything catches your interest.
Review: Azure Striker: Gunvolt is shockingly good on 3DS
Review: Kickbeat: Special Edition spruces up its rhythm/combat formula
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Review: Delivers a knockout in the second round
Review: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call hits a very high note
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
9:42 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Talking Warriors Orochi 3, Sword Art Online, Smash Bros. and New 3DS models
I also took a bit of time to discuss why I'm more put off than excited for Nintendo's New 3DS models, as well as pondered which five characters I'd love to see added to the upcoming Smash Bros. game.
Review: Warriors Orochi 3 is a cut above the rest
Review: Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment misses the critical hit
Column: The New 3DS models don't make sense
List: Super Smash Bros: 5 most wanted new characters
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:13 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Friday, August 22, 2014
Reviews: Akiba's Trip, The Last Tinker, Table Top Racing, Zen's Walking Dead Pinball
You can find links to all of my most recent reviews below, as well as a link to a column I wrote concerning a controversy that popped up following the launch of Akiba's Trip.
Review: Table Top Racing for Vita cruises mid-pack
Review: The Last Tinker: City of Colors strikes gold
Review: Zen's Walking Dead pinball table is killer
Review: Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed celebrates all things otaku
Column: Akiba's Trip 'trap' controversy unfounded
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
10:53 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Columns on P.T., Final Fantasy XIV and more Destiny talk
All of those reviews will be coming in a future post, once I get the most recent one out the door. As for the other stuff, you can find it below!
2Player: Will Destiny alter the FPS landscape for good?
P.T. is marketing and horror genius
Final Fantasy XIV pulled me back in
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
9:02 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Monday, August 4, 2014
Reviews: The Swapper and Rogue Legacy
If you've got a PlayStation console, both of these games are cross-buy for the PS3, PS4 and Vita, and should not be missed.
Review: The Swapper is one of a kind
Review: Rogue Legacy brings strong lineage to PlayStation
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
9:27 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Monday, July 21, 2014
Transformers & Abyss Odyssey reviews, 2Player talks Destiny
Review: Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark kinda fizzles
Review: Abyss Odyssey is worth exploring
2Player: Time to get hyped for Destiny
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
3:10 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Reviews: Shovel Knight, Grid Autosport, Atelier Rorona
Check out my thoughts below. Spoiler alert: Shovel Knight is an early leader for my game of the year pick. Yeah, it's that good.
Review: Shovel Knight strikes gold
Review: Grid Autosport hits a high gear
Review: Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland brews up some lighthearted fun
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:39 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Sunday, June 22, 2014
E3 2014 coverage for Gaming Blend
I once again covered the show for Gaming Blend this year, pulling together wrap-ups for several of the press conferences and compiling hands-on/eyes-on impressions and even a few one-on-one interviews. Following is a rundown of all of that content. Dive in!
E3 2014: Get ready for the big show
Microsoft cuts the BS and delivers games
EA shooting for something different
PS4 matches Xbox One's barrage of new games
Dead Island 2 brings 8-player co-op to zombie-infested California
Homefront: The Revolution exlusive preview and game details
War Thunder soars with Oculus Rift
Mortal Kombat X fighting styles, character options detailed
Hands-on with Xbox One's Fable Legends
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor will be unique for every player
Monster Hunter 4, Monster Hunter iOS are great additions to the series
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain keeps its humorous edge
Producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto digs into Nintendo 3DS' Story of Seasons
Freedom Wars offers big action on a tiny PS Vita
Sunset Overdrive's Marcus Smith and Drew Murray grind through the awesomeocalypse
Hands on with The Order 1886 and Murasaki Baby
Hands on with Guns Up! and Helldivers
EVE: Valkyrie and Oculus are a match made in heaven
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
11:46 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Reviews: Monochroma [PC], Moon Chronicles [3DS]
First up is Monochroma, a Kickstarter indie darling that looks great, sounds great and tells an intriguing story. If only controlling the character wasn't an absolute nightmare half of the time. The developers are working on a patch to address this issue, so here's hoping Monochroma will get a second chance to shine.
Monochroma review: Beautiful, but nearly broken
And then there's Moon Chronicles, a 3DS remake of one of the few first-person shooters to make it onto the original DS. I was digging the old-school approach to this one but, again, frustrating controls and some balance issues threw a rather large wrench into the cogs, hampering my experience with the game.
Moon Chronicles review: Way off target
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
8:27 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Review: Mario Golf: World Tour [3DS]
Review: Mario Golf: World Tour Plays a Solid Round
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
8:20 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Review: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn [PS4]
Following is my review from Gaming Blend that covers the first 10 levels of progression. I plan to revisit the review after level 30, and then again if it continues to hold my interest at 50 and beyond.
Final Fantasy XIV PS4 Review: Solid start to a big adventure
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
8:35 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Friday, April 18, 2014
Gaming in the face of tragedy [Column]
My Pop passed away in March following a brief battle with cancer. Gaming continued to play a part in my life during those confusing weeks and, in this piece, I explore that role. It's a bit rough, I admit, and probably doesn't dive deep enough in order to create a real "point," but writing about it helped me work through some tough emotional issues.
Anyway, here it is:
Gaming in the face of tragedy: Cancer and Control
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
1:25 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Reviews aplenty
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is a cut bellow
Ragnarok Odyssey ACE is worth a second adventure
Deception IV: Blood Ties is a trap well sprung
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes review: Not Quite (Outer) Heaven
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complte Edition brings epic war to the PS4
Dark Souls 2 impressions: An absolute blast
Dark Souls 2: Helpful tips for the recently cursed
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
11:06 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Monday, February 17, 2014
Review: Toukiden: Age of Demons
With an accessible fighting engine, an interesting story and fantastic multiplayer, this demon slay-a-thon could mark the beginning of a great new franchise.
Toukiden review: Slaying with the best of 'em
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
7:14 AM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Don't Starve: A diary of my first death [From Gaming Blend]
Don't Starve finally arrived on the PlayStation 4 and I finally got around to giving it a whirl. I had a lot of fun writing this piece from the perspective of the game's protagonist, a doomed scientist struggling to survive in a dark and twisted nightmare world.
Don't Starve: A diary of my first death
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:59 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend
Monday, January 6, 2014
Four more games columns from Gaming Blend
The holidays are always a slower time for video game news,
as most of the big launches were out in time for the big shopping rush and
developers typically like to take a little time to, you know, spend some time with
their families like the rest of us.
Posted by
-Ryan Winslett
2:40 PM
Labels: Gaming Blend